Canteras is a quartz surfacing company to receive ISO 14001 certification- a global standard specifically for environmental protection. From recycling 97% of the water used in manufacturing, to collecting dust from shipping, handling, production and processing; Canteras seeks to protect the planet and the well-being of our customers.
Like the stone we use, our quality craftsmanship ensures strength and longevity at every turn. We stand behind our quartz products before and after sale, staying committed far into the future by resolving any issues you may have immediately.
Canteras’s collections are as vibrant and varied as our customers. Whether traditional or modern, plain or sparkling we’ve got styles to suit any interior design vision.  Color to dazzle or soothe, the choice is yours.

Sustainable Practices

We at Canteras International understand how manufacturing can harm the environment and strive to prevent that.

Purification and Recycling Installations

Substantial investment in equipment supports our environmental policy. RTO (Regenerative Thermal Oxidized) installations are used in the plants and its surroundings.


Raw Materials

We use recycled raw material whenever possible. We avoid using hazardous substances.


We actively work towards a clean, organized, and safe work environment.